今年で20周年を迎えたアジア選手権ですが,今年は本当にたくさんの参加者に恵まれて,素晴らしい大会でした。開催前から、「20周年記念大会を、是非,日本のスタッフや仲間たちと一緒に祝いたい! 」と、嬉しい言葉を送ってくれた人もいました。この選手権の最初の頃は、もちろん出場者も受賞者も日本人が多かったのですが、今や韓国、インドネシアをはじめ日本以外のダンサーの頑張りの方が目立つようになってきています。ちなみに今回の出場者の国を見ると日本、韓国、中国、台湾、香港、インドネシア、マレーシア、フィリピン、ベトナム、USA、カナダ、ドイツ、フランス、チリ、アルゼンチン、コロンビア…もちろん、ルール通り1年以上アジアに在住したダンサーばかりです。
タンゴダンスアジア選手権 実行委員会一同
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Asian Championships, and we were truly blessed with a large number of participants this year, making it a wonderful event. Even before the event was held, some of the participants sent us happy words, “I would love to celebrate the 20th anniversary with your staff and friends in Japan! I would love to celebrate the 20th anniversary with your staff and friends in Japan! In the beginning of this championship, of course, many of the contestants and winners were Japanese, but now the efforts of dancers from Korea, Indonesia, and other countries besides Japan are becoming more prominent. By the way, looking at the countries of the contestants this time, Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, USA, Canada, Germany, France, Chile, Argentina, Columbia… Of course, as per the rules, they are all dancers who have lived in Asia for more than a year.
Moreover, even though they now have their own championships all over Asia, I would like to express my sincere respect to the many couples who have participated in the Asian Championships held in Tokyo like this and have shown us their outstanding dance.
This year’s event was actually a replica of last year’s World Championships, with champions from the past 20 years coming together to dance, and I was able to meet up with some old favourites. I felt that tango dance is spreading throughout Asia and that the tango scene in Japan needs to work harder. All in all, I think we were able to make this year’s 20th anniversary a meaningful one.
Most of the people working behind the scenes at this championship are volunteers. Thanks in large part to their half-full efforts, we were able to run this year’s championship with great success. We have also had a little help from the stage professionals, but these professionals have been helping us without saying a word, just enjoying themselves and smiling, which is what the Asian Games is all about. I am grateful to all these professionals.
The judges also did their best to give correct scores, which is really hard work. That is the part that the Asian Championships have put the most effort into, and in that sense, I dare to add that many people have evaluated the results this year as satisfactory to everyone.
Now in August, the World Championships will be held for the 21st time this year, and I hear that a lot of people involved are preparing intensely in Buenos Aires right now. As of today, from August 14 to 27, Buenos Aires will again be all about tango. Only the location has not been decided, but I hear that they are negotiating for a great theater. Please support the winners of the Asian Championships so that they will be very successful at the World Championships as well. I will also be reporting on the World Championships and the success of the Asian representatives in this column.
The supervisor who came from Argentina said, “This year’s Mundial is going to be a great success for the Asian representatives! The supervisor from Argentina left with these happy words: “This year’s Mundial is going to be a great success for the Asian delegates!
Thank you very much, everyone!
From the Tango Dance Asian Championships Executive Committee
(Championship photos can be found just below this news section and many more at the end of the homepage. Videos will follow shortly).